Auction to Benefit Porter's Call

We are auctioning a Long Fall Vinyl Special Edition to benefit Porter's Call. Click here to bid. The auction ends September 18. 

About Porter's Call

Porter's Call is a ministry of counsel and support for recording artists and their families. Our mission is to provide a welcoming relationship for recording artists on their pilgrimage of life and faith. It is a safe and confidential shelter where questions can be asked and answers explored; a place where broken lives can be restored and healed; a place where God can be discovered and encountered; a place where creative gifts can be deepened and enhanced. | To learn more about Porter's Call, visit their website.

Explaining The Shelter: "Call My Name"

As we prepare for the October 5 release of The Shelter, we are sharing specific thoughts on each song from the album. This week we share about track 2, "Call My Name."

Charlie: A prayer that we might know the value of each individual life - and our calling to value dignity and story as we bring God's hope into brokenness. 

Dan: Good community never lets us stay in its safe fold for long, rather it allows our hearts to venture out to harm's way in search of God. 

Stephen: God calling your name means being known by the creator of everything, who redeems us and everything around us in beauty. 

Matthew: To think that God knows us by name has deep and far-reaching implications. To actually hear him use it changes everything.

Explaining The Shelter: "Small Rebellions"

Over the coming weeks, leading to the 10/5 release of The Shelter, we will be sharing more about the songs from the album. This week, we share thoughts on track 1, "Small Rebellions."

Charlie: May our small, daily protests to the chaos define us as those who choose love over fear and judgment.  A prophetic song of hope paired with action.

Dan: Any act that fights against isolation is the greatest form of counterculture. The greatest risks we take are the ones that prove we are implicated in each others stories. 

Stephen: This song celebrates the courage it takes as a community to change the lives of those around us with a subversive love.  

Matthew: For those willing to adventure into the confinements of intentional relationship will find a richness missing from even the most charmed of lives.

Purchase "Out Of My Hands"

"Out Of My Hands," the first single from our upcoming album, The Shelter (available 10/5), is now available to be purchased from iTunes, Amazon and other digital retailers.

Thoughts on "Out Of My Hands"...

Charlie: The only thing we can do in response to what God has done for us, is to give our hearts away and love unconditionally, as a response to how we have first been loved.   

Dan: We cannot save our own lives, nor can we change our own ways.  God has given us to each other, failures and success combined. 

Stephen: It's humbling to know in our lowest moments that God's purposes are made complete in and through our weakness not our strength.

Matthew: Never has there been a more suffocating delusion to live under than the one that says our lives are ours to control.